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Amoud University
A Vehicle for Peace and Development

Discover the excellence of Amoud University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the Somali-speaking regions of the Horn. Join a community dedicated to academic rigor and innovation.

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Amoud University
Excellent Learning Environment

Amoud University offers an exceptional learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified educators, making it a top choice for students seeking quality education.

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Amoud University
A Vehicle of Innovation and Development

Amoud University drives innovation and development through its cutting-edge programs and passionate faculty, preparing graduates for success in a rapidly evolving world.

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Jaamacadda Camuud waxay aad ugu faraxsantahay inay ku dhawaaqdo in…

Successful Data Science Training Program with Bristol University and Transparency…

Amoud University Hosts Ceremony for Awarding Internal Research Grants.

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Amoud University's Academic Calender

Welcome to Amoud University

Amoud University (Somali: Jaamacada Camuud) is a highly respected public university located in the vibrant city of Borama in Somaliland. Established in 1996, it is a leading institution in Somaliland that is committed to providing exceptional education and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among its students.


Stive for exceptional quality in education, research and service


Encourage creativity and embrace new ideas and approaches.


Actively contribute to the betterment of our community and society


Adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our actions.

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Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud1 day ago
Jaamacadda Camuud waxa ay aad ugu faraxsan tahay in ay ku dhawaaqdo in todobaadka dhaqanka uu furmi doono May 2, 2024.

Nagu soo biir si aad u barato dhaqankeenna suubban , cuntooyinka kala duwan ee dhaqankeenna, bandhigyo soo jiidasho leh, iyo isweydaarsi macno leh. Waa fursad aan ku aqbalno oo aan ku qaddarinno hibooyinka ardaydeennu u leeyihin dhaqankeenna.

Si aad uga qaybgasho, hubi inaad iska diiwaangeliso Xafiiska Ururka Ardayda laga bilaabo Isniinta iyo Salaasada. Ha lumin fursaddan cajiibka ah ee aad ku wada xidhiidhi karto, wax ku baran karto, oo aad si wadajir ah ugu dabaaldegi kartaan.

Calaamadee jadwalkaaga, faafi ereyga, oo aynu ka dhigno "Toddobaadka Dhaqanka" mid qof walba waayo-aragnimo aan la ilaawi karin ka helo ! halkaasaa innoo ballan ah!

Wixii faahfaahin dheeri ah ka daawo muuqaalka hoose.

👋🌍 #ToddobaadkaDhaqankaJaamacaddaCamuud
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud4 days ago
Dugsiga Daraasaatka Sare iyo Cilmi Baadhista ee Jaamacadda Camuud waxa uu idiin diyaarshay Barnaamijyada hoos ku taxan oo dhamaantood ah Master of Education.

Diiwaangelintu waxay socon doontaa ilaa 30ka April, 2024. Iska diiwaangelina link gan hoose:
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud5 days ago
Waxa shalay oo ay taariikhdu ahayd 23-04-2024 lagu soo dhaweeyay xarunta Jaamacadda Camuud wafti ka socday Jaamacadda Bristol ee UK iyo hay'adda Transparency Solutions.

Waftiga oo ujeeddada socdaalkoogu daarnaa dhammaystirka hawllo shaqo oo ay Jaamacadda Camuud la wadeen iyo unkidda xidhiidho cusub oo wada shaqayneed ayaa waxa xarunta jaamacadda ku qaabbilay madaxweynaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Dr. Maxamed Muuse Jibriil, oo ay wehelinayeen madaxda jaamacadda.

Warbixin arrintan ku saabsan ka daawo muuqaalka hoose.
Amoud University - Jaamacadda Camuud
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